Monday, 3 December 2018

              Different types of diet

There are a lot of different types of diet that people using all around the world.

The Paleo diet

Risultati immagini per paleo dietThe Paleo diet is a natural way of eating, that abandons all intake of sugar, and the only sugar comes from fruit.
A paleo diet consists of fish, vegetables, sweet potatoes and nuts.

The blood type diet

The blood type diet some doctors have started to research diets that coincide with particular blood type. The premise of these diets attempts to match people with their common dietary needs based on their blood type.
Risultati immagini per blood type diet

The vegan diet

Immagine correlataThe vegan diet eliminates meat and animal products. These diet reduces the intake of cholesterol and saturated fat. All the people that practice this diet minimize coronary heart disease.

The Mediterranean diet

Risultati immagini per mediterranean dietThe Mediterranean diets avoid a lot of meat. This diet has been proven to help with depression and it recommends the use of oil as much as possible as an alternative to butter.

The south beach diet 

Risultati immagini per south beach dietsThe south beach diet is based on the premise of changing one's overall eating habits. It doesn't eliminate carbohydrates, but it educates on which carbs to always avoid. 

                              Healthy food and Junk food

Risultati immagini per healthy food Eating a healthy food that includes lots of fruit, vegetables can help you maintain a steady weight. Having a good variety of these foods every day leaves less room for foods that are high in fat and sugar. 
A well-balanced diet provides all of the:

  • energy you need to keep active throughout the day.
  • help you to stay strong and healthy and help yo prevent diet-related illness.
Healthy diet are made up of legumes, fruits, vegetables and likely to get enough of the nutrients, like fiber calcium and potassium. 
Risultati immagini per unhealthy food

Unhealthy diets are high in fat, saturated fat and added sugar. These diets contain fast foods that don't contain 
nutrients. Junk food contain ingredients that can damage your health. Trans fats are used in many fast food restaurant and in many prepackaged food such as cookies and cakes. The reason you end up paying more for fruits than for a product like macaroni and cheese is because the food industry prioritizes packaged food.