Wednesday, 21 February 2018

                                           Valentine's day cards

Risultati immagini per funny valentine's cardsValentine's day was created at the end of the 5th century by Pope  Gelasius I. Many people believe that the origins of Valentine's day was born with the feast of Lupercalia a fertility festival. But many people believe in St.Valentine, a bishop who wrote to his inamorata a letter signed "from your Valentine" , the first Valentine greeting. In the past there was a lot of poems, romantic letters and in the 18th century the first Valentine's cards. They were  decorated handmade with romantic symbols, flowers, love knots and sometimes lines of poetry, and this cards were slipped under a door.
During Victorian age these cards became very popular and they were circulated in London and many Victorian Valentine's cards are kept at the Museum of London.
Now there are a lot of types of Valentine's cards: some of them are funny and others romantic and sweet. There are a lot of images, funny designs and funny phrases.

Tuesday, 6 February 2018

                     "The perfect palace"

Risultati immagini per the perfect palace storyThousands of years ago, there was a King that lived in a big palace. His people loved him since he looked after their needs well. At the end of every month, he would invite some noblemen of hid kingdom to analyze his work and advised him.
The king built many things. Every year he would rebuilt his palace and everytime it looked better than before.
One day  the King thought "This year I will built the perfect palace, with all the comfort. It should be praised not only my kingdom, but also by the people of the neighbouring states".
The next day, the king worked out a perfect design for his perfect palace and in about a month, the perfect palace of the King's dream was ready. The King invited noblemen of his kingdom to get their opinions about the palace.
"Unbelievable! It's a perfect palace" cheered the noblemen.
But a saint standing in the corner was silent.
The king wondered why the saint was silent,  when everyone was praising his palace. He walked up to the saint and said "Please tell me why you are silent. It not my perfect palace?"
The saint replied in a calm voice "Dear King! Your palace is strong and will last forever. It's beautiful but not perfect, since the people living in it are mortals. They are not permanent. Your palace will live forever but not the people in it. that is why I am silent. Man is born with empty hands and so he die".
The King thanked the saint for his wise words and never tried to built a perfect palace again..