Thursday, 21 September 2017

                       The origins of surnames

The surname is a part of a personal name taken by the parents. Surnames change from region to region. It's believed that the surname  were born in 2850 a.C in China. In Italy there were three types of name: 

  • praenomen: the name of people
  • nomen: the surname
  • cognomen: the nickname
In the 20th century there were the first surnames and for the lords they were very important.
                                    My surname Li Petri
The surname Li Petri comes from the region of Venice. This surname derived from the cognomen Pietro. In March 10,1841 the magistrate added this surname to the lord class with the brother Francesco Petri and Curzio Petri. The Petri family name was found in USA, UK and Canada between the 1840 and the 1920. The most Petri occupation in the USA was farmer.

Risultati immagini per li petri coat of arms


Friendship Day is a day to celebrate friendships. Some people believe it was first celebrated in the United States in 1935,others in Paraguay in 1958. 
In this day people celebrate friendships by sending cards. This wasn’t very successful though and soon Friendship Day faded away. In the last year it has started to become more popular. The General Assembly of the United Nations chose 30 July as official International Friendship Day on 27 April 2011 and many countries celebrate  on the first Sunday in August. 
The world’s Ambassador of Friendship is  Winnie the Pooh. This day is more famous for the young people and they celebrate this day with party to have fun with friends.

                               MY ACROSTIC NAME POEMS
Risultati immagini per tulipani
E motional
L ively
V ery naive 
I mpulsive
R esponsible
A nxious

                      MY BIO POEM  

Bio Poem



Emotional, responsible, friendly and anxious

Sibling of


Lover of

Music, books, films, tv series

Who feels

happy, kind, moody

Who gives

love, friendship, help

Who fears

illnesses, lose the people who I love, dogs

Who would like to see

Dylan O'Brien

Who lives

In Mondragone

Li Petri

Carnival is a Weaster cristian festive before the liturgical season of Lent. Carnival typically involves a public celebration and people wear masks and costumes during many such celebrations. Every country has different tradition:
In Italy, in Venice there are elegant events and is one of Europe’s most extravagant carnival.There may be much fancy dress and the suggestion of wild private parties.

In Brazil, that is the mother of all Carnivals and once in a lifetime. Pretty-crazy-anyway Rio becomes a city of samba, and the best dance moves go on display at the massive parade at the Sambodromo,in which the city’s samba schools compete and show their skills.

In Spain,the locals, known for their wit and sense of fun, don't just dress up, they dress up costumes and sing satirical songs. If you do understand Spanish, check them out at the great contest in Teatro Falla.

In England, is theThe Notting Hill Carnival and is an annual event on the streets of Notting Hill,London, England, each August over two days. It is led by members of the British West indian community, and attracts around one million people annually, making it one of the world's largest street festivals, and a significant event in British culture. It is not part of the global carnival season preceding Lent.