Carnival is a Weaster
cristian festive before the liturgical season of Lent. Carnival
typically involves a public celebration and people wear masks and
costumes during many such celebrations. Every country has different tradition:
In Italy,
in Venice there are elegant events and is one of Europe’s most
extravagant carnival.There may be much fancy dress and the suggestion of
wild private parties.
In Brazil, that is the mother of all Carnivals and once in a lifetime. Pretty-crazy-anyway
Rio becomes a city of samba, and the best dance moves go on display at the
massive parade at the Sambodromo,in which the city’s samba schools compete and
show their skills.
Spain,the locals, known for their wit and sense of fun, don't just dress up,
they dress up costumes and sing satirical songs. If you do understand
Spanish, check them out at the great contest in Teatro Falla.
In England,
is theThe Notting Hill Carnival and is an annual event on the
streets of Notting Hill,London, England, each August over two days. It is
led by members of the British West indian community, and attracts
around one million people annually, making it one of the world's largest
street festivals, and a significant event in British culture. It is
not part of the global carnival season preceding Lent.